Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)

Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)
One of my favorite still life subjects of Van Gogh, the cut branch in a glass, I ran across this one with the book behind creating a complicated compositional element. Note also the use of complementary colors, red and green, creating a vibration in the painting.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Marianne V. von Werefkin

Happy Birthday Marianne V. von Werefkin!! Born in Russia in 1860, Marrianne von Werefkin received her education in her hometown of Tula and began private drawing lessons at age 14. An unfortunate hunting accident as a young woman injured her right hand, forcing her to rehabilitate and learn to use it again, which she did, becoming the “Russian Rembrandt” in realistic painting. She met a painter, Alexjev von Jawlensky and relocated to Munich, forming a salon and artist group including famed Kandinsky. The artists eventually moved to Switzerland and continued to exhibit together. I especially love the painting included today, for its contrasting blue and orange with the trees silhouetted in the foreground.

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