Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)

Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)
One of my favorite still life subjects of Van Gogh, the cut branch in a glass, I ran across this one with the book behind creating a complicated compositional element. Note also the use of complementary colors, red and green, creating a vibration in the painting.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Eugene Yoors

Happy Birthday Eugene Yoors!! Born today in 1879, in Antwerp, Belgium, Eugene Yoors was a stained glass artist and glass etcher. He studied art in Paris, served in World War I, and then settled in Antwerp where he strived to become a success at his art. His focus was on religious works, specifically the portrayal of Christ. Yoors brought new methods and color to the art of glass. He felt his art would bring him closer to God.

1 comment:

  1. How and where would I get an appraisal of a painting of Eugene's work
