Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)

Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass (1888)
One of my favorite still life subjects of Van Gogh, the cut branch in a glass, I ran across this one with the book behind creating a complicated compositional element. Note also the use of complementary colors, red and green, creating a vibration in the painting.

Monday, November 14, 2011

John Steuart Curry

Happy Birthday John Steuart Curry!! This painter was an America, born in 1897 on a farm in Kansas. He initially studied art at home, then in Kansas City, Chicago and finally briefly in Paris. He began as a magazine and book illustrator. He was part of the regionalism that developed in America in the 30's. This was an effort on the behalf of artists to rejuvenate enthusiasm and a love of American life and traditions. Often the art was focused on the areas the artists lived and displayed heightened realism. I am including Baptism in Kansas, his first painting to become famous and the one that launched his career. It was purchased by Gertrude Stein and it is said she subsidized his work for 2 years with $50 per month!

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